Exhibit Opening: "A Dressmakers Work: Fashioning the 19th-Century" | Holland Land Office Museum
Event has endedContact
On February 11th at 6 pm, come to the latest exhibit opening at the Holland Land Office Museum. "A Dressmakers Work: Fashioning the 19th-Century," will be officially open! Be the first to step back into a 19th century dressmakers' shop, pick out your fashions, and see the completed gowns and dresses. The exhibit highlights the over 300 highly talented and industrious women who worked as dressmakers across Genesee County from 1860 to 1900.
All are welcome to attend the opening, as it is FREE! Refreshments will also be provided.
If you plan to attend, contact the museum at 585-343-4727 or email it at hollandlandoffice@gmail.com.